56. Gifts for Bird Lovers: Soda Bottle Bird Feeder

This nifty idea uses a recycled 2-liter soda bottle to make an upcycled bird feeder.

      Two-litre soda bottle with a screw-top cap (you can also use larger plastic juice bottles)
      Wire (or heavy duty cord)
      Wooden dowels
      Clear caulking Adhesive, duct tape, or hot glue
      Bird seed


    1. Remove the label from your soda bottle, and rinse it with the cap in hot water to remove any stickiness.
    2. When they are completely dry, drill two holes into the bottom of the bottle and thread wire or cord through the two holes to make a loop for hanging the feeder. Make sure you cover the holes with duct tape or fill them with clear caulk (or hot glue) to ensure no water can get inside.
    3. Turn the bottle upside down (the cap will be at the bottom).
    4. Drill two holes on opposite sides of the bottle, making sure that they are no larger than the thickness of the dowel you have.
    5. Slip the dowel through the bottle for an instant perch.
    6. Drill holes 1 to 2 inches (2.6 or 5.6 centimeters) higher than the perches, so the birds can easily access the holes — but don't make the holes too big, or the birdseed will fall out.
      Hint: Fill the bottle with water and freeze it over night - this will make drilling the holes much easier.

        The best overall seed is the black oil sunflower: "High in oil, this seed is eaten by most birds. We find it less messy than striped sunflower seeds, as well,"

Alternate Ideas

Instead of dowels, use wooden spoons. (And clearly, it doesn't matter which end is up for these feeders. If you use it cap side up, just screw an eye-hook into the cap and use your caulking adhesive to make sure it stays in place.)

For Finch's, cut an 1/8th inch wide slit above the dowel that lets them access the Finch food.

Original source: Microsoft Magazine

[Edit 12/16]—This no longer appears on the Microsoft Magazine website (b/c there isn't one anymore).

Combine this with a bird watching guide, and a bag of bird seed for a wonderful present.

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