Free Printables

Image Licenses:

Most of these images are in the public domain (some have Creative Common licenses)—all can be used for personal projects. Some can be used for commercial projects. If you see watermarks or a website listed on the printable, please do not use it to make products for sale without first checking that website.

Instructions for Iron-on Transfers

To use these images for iron-on transfers, you must first mirror the image. Some printers will allow you do this by flipping the image horizontally. If your printer doesn't have that option, then you'll need photo editing or viewing software that will allow you to flip the image horizontally.

Once your image is mirrored, print onto transfer paper (available at most office supply stores), then follow the directions for transferring onto your media.

To download: 
  1. Open the image 
  2. Right + click or control + click on the image to bring up the image menu, you can then save it to your desktop.
  3. You can also simply drag & drop some of the images to your desktop.

Click on the images or the image links to view the full size. 

Free Printables

Paper Toys

Vintage paper doll
Vintage paper doll
Vintage paper doll
Vintage paper doll
Vintage paper doll
Vintage paper doll

Free Printable Art

11"x17" Backyard Birds of North Carolina Poster
This poster was designed by me & is free for personal use only.

Free Vintage Travel Posters

Sequoia National Park WPA Poster
[Automatic .zip file download]

Chicago World's Fair
[Automatic .zip file download]

Venice, Italy
[Automatic .zip file download]

Free Coloring Books

Mandala Cover [PDF Download]
Mandala Pages [PDF Download]

Labels & Tags

"Handmade" Tags 

Shake & Pour Pancake Labels 

Homemade Vanilla Label
[PDF Download]
Hand drawn label set
[Automatic .zip Download]

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