23. Embroidered linens

    Tea towels, Hand towels, Napkins, Pillow cases, Handkerchiefs (whatever you'd like to embroider)
    Embroidery transfer (can be found at any fabric or craft store - makes your life SO much easier)
    Embroidery thread, needle
    Embroidery hoop

  1. Set the iron temperature to high. Lay down your tea towel, Pillow case, etc. and place the transfer face down where you would like it to be. Make sure to leave enough room so you can attach the hoop.
  2. Tape or hold the pattern firmly in place and glide the iron over the design. You need to do it only two or three times, pressing hard so a light trace of the design will appear. Don't make it too dark because you don't want it to show after you've embroidered it.
  3. Peel off the transfer and save it for future use.
  4. Attach the hoop around the design, so that the fabric is tight like a drum.
  5. Thread the needle with a 12-inch strand of thread. Leave a 1-inch tail extending from the top of the needle and tie a knot at the other end.
  6. Find your starting point and bring the needle up through the bottom of the design and out the top. Bring the needle back down. Continue the process until you've outlined the entire design, switching thread colors as desired.
  7. When you finish, turn the piece over, snip the thread, tie it in a knot at the base of the fabric and snip excess. Iron the towel so it is crisp.

For more embroidery patterns, check out Andrew Schapiro's Sublime Stitching:

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