7. Spiced Hot Pad

    5 x 5-inch square each of four different checked fabrics
    Fusible web paper
    5-inch circle of calico fabric for center front circle
    8-inch circle of calico fabric for the back 8-inch circle of extra-loft fleece
    Crushed cinnamon sticks and cloves; needle and thread 3/4 yard of maxi rickrack for binding 1/2 yard of jumbo rickrack for front circle

  1. With the right sides facing, stitch the checked fabrics into a four-patch, using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Center and fuse the 5-inch calico circle to the four-patch.
  2. Layer calico back, fleece (sprinkled with crushed cinnamon sticks and cloves), and pieced circle. Baste the layers together at the edge.
  3. Bind the edge with mini rickrack. Topstitch jumbo rickrack around the small circle.

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