68. Leaf Notions

    Rubber leaf stamps (4 to 6 inches)
    White-ink stamp pad
    Fabric scissors
    Fabric glue
    Small funnel
    Craft sand

  1. Stamp white-ink leaf images onto colored felt: Make three images for a needle book; two images for a scissors holder or a pincushion. To set ink, cover felt with muslin and iron on medium setting. Let dry, then cut out shapes.

  2. For needle book “stem,” cut a 3-by-1/4-inch felt strip. Glue to the base of one leaf. Glue second leaf to the first at the base; repeat with third leaf. For scissors holder, glue two leaves together along edges, leaving an opening at stem end. For the pincushion, glue leaves together, leaving a small opening; let dry. Using the funnel, pour sand into opening until pouch is almost full; close opening with more glue.

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